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Slate - a source of unconventional gas

Slate - a source of unconventional gas


Shale gas - this term is becoming increasingly popular in the media. Unfortunately, its increasing popularity develops numerous misunderstandings, simplifications or falsifying basic terms. The media use the term "shale gas" disregarding the fact that it is only an element of a more complex assembly - unconventional gas reserves. It is worthwhile organizing that which the media write about on the first pages of the newspapers, often very vaguely.


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Estimates regarding the reserves of shale gas in countries all around the world

Estimates regarding the reserves of shale gas in countries all around the world Despite the fact that the estimates of shale gas will probably change in the future, one can see that the international shale gas resources are impressive.

Where did the gas in lower layers come from?

Where did the gas in lower layers come from? The slates, which are used to produce natural gas, emerged about 360-415 million years ago, during the Devonian period. The next stages in Earth's history were connected with "tightening" of the gas in the lower layers.

Type of unconventional gas

Type of unconventional gas The popular term "shale gas" is merely a description of one type of natural gas extracted in an unconventional way. Differentiating them has fundamental value because each of them requires different methods of extraction and different technological solutions.

What does an exploration drill look like?

What does an exploration drill look like? Shale gas extraction is connected with enormous expenditures and using unbelievably advanced capital of human knowledge and technology on every level of activity.

What is hydraulic fracturing?

What is hydraulic fracturing? The most common method of gas extraction is called hydraulic fracturing which forces a special liquid that stimulates the performed drill and expands rock cracks, and leads to releasing the natural gas from deep layers.

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